Friday 20 June 2014

Little Ears Hear and Little Mouths Repeat

The nursery my son attended last year sent a letter home one afternoon.  Amongst the nursery-related news was a little note that advised parents to mind their 'ps and qs' at the gate when picking the children up as there had been one of two comments from the kids which included words that were decidedly post-watershed. 

 "Little ears hear and little mouths repeat" was the phrase they used. 

Being Negative

I must add that I have pretty much never sworn in front of my son.  I admit I have slipped up when exasperated etc but I have never used any of the 'jackpot' words in front of him.  You know the ones I mean. 

But they're not the only words to tiptoe around when the little ones are present.  One of my worse habits is talking negatively about myself.  If I can't do something I quickly resort to exclaiming how rubbish I am at it, how I can't do it, how useless I am etc.  (especially where DIY is concerned!) 

I was dismayed recently when coaxing the boy to pull his trousers up (or some related getting dressed task).  He looked me straight in the eye.  "I can't do it" he told me.  "I'm not very good at that".  I was gutted. 

I'm sure to an extent he is using this phrase as a bit of a cop-out but it is worrying that he is thinking along these lines already. 

Damaging Son's Confidence?

I think nothing of what these words to do my own confidence but already I can see the damage this kind of talk could already be doing to my child's confidence. 

I have stopped this kind of talk now.  For my own sake as well as for my son's.  Thankfully he seems to be saying it less.  When he does I am quick to correct him, to emphasise the things he does do well, to tell him he will get good at stuff with practice and to praise his efforts. 

'Kids pick up on everything' so the phrase goes.  Now I really know what that means!

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